Pre-opening! Yukihisa Isobe Memorial Echigo Tsumari Kiyotsu Soko Museum

  • プレオープニング企画「磯辺行久の世界―記号から環境へ」展

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Pre-opening! Yukihisa Isobe Memorial Echigo Tsumari Kiyotsu Soko Museum


■Exhibition period
Sat. 28th Oct. Sun. 29th Oct, Fri. 3rd, Nov. Sat. 4th Nov. Sun 5th, Nov. Sat. 11th, Nov. Sun 12th, Nov. 2017

Isobe Yukihisa Memorial Echigo Tsumari Soko Museum

■opening event

Sun 29th Oct. 2017

Talk by Fram Kitagawa 13:00-14:00
Dram show by Ondeko-za with Kiyotsukyo taru-bayashi 14:30-

NPO Echigo Tsumari Satoyama Collaborative Organization
+81 25 761 7767
